Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Self Visualization Project - idea notes

Behind the cut is my current ideas for the self-visualization project.

For the self-portrait image I am thinking of showing three parts of who I am. One is going to be a play on the kanji that I made up to match my name about a month and a half ago: Try Again, Small Stream. I can tie this in with my actual name's meaning: something along the lines of grassy land or rice field, I think. I am going to focus on the theme of hope, and improving myself. Suzumietate WAY TO GO (even if you stumble, way to go)...or something along those lines, because I feel that that reflects my personality well. I will have myself sitting in an almost silhouette like way with light shining down from above: not in any weird heaven or angsty death way, but as the light of hope (or some other corny thing along those lines) that I look towards. My brother, probably the biggest influence in my life, is going to be looming larger than life, perhaps in a classic maou pose to show how much power he has over me - he is sort of the source of my light...? He will be side-lit, to show that he can affect me in both a positive and a negative way, but no matter what it has a great influence on me. I may or may not include inspirational thingies I've gotten from friends etc. in the past, I'm not sure. It depends on how it works with the composition.

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